Shaky hands are a very common problem affecting adults.
The most common cause of shaking hands is a condition called essential tremor, which occurs due to a disruption in normal brain function of the cerebellum. Essential tremor tends to run in families.
Other common causes of shaky hands include:
Medical conditions, such as overactive thyroid, cerebellar disorders and Huntington’s disease.
Medication side effects. In particular, some asthma medications, some antidepressants, lithium and some tranquillizers can cause shakiness if you stop taking them suddenly.
Caffeine overdose, which can affect the nervous system.
Low blood sugar, which causes shakiness because the nerves and muscles are deprived of fuel. Low blood sugar can also occur after excessive exercise.
Withdrawal from alcohol or other substances on which your body has become dependent.
Certain nutritional deficiencies.
Stress, anxiety and nervousness that triggers an episode of shaky hands.
Though not a life-threatening problem, shaky hands can make daily tasks difficult. If the problem becomes severe, one can have difficulty holding a cup or glass without spilling, eating normally, shaving and writing legibly.
It is important to take this problem seriously, as it can be an early warning sign of some neurological and degenerative conditions.
Before trying a treatment option, it is important to determine the cause of shaky hands. If the problem is due to an underlying medical condition, treating that condition may reduce or eliminate the tremors.
Some simply lifestyle changes and home remedies can also help improve your symptoms.
why your hands shake and how to fix it
Here are some of the ways to treat shaky hands.
1. Control Your Stress Level
Stress is one of the main or contributing factors behind shaky hands.
In fact, stress, anxiety and nervousness can trigger episodes of shaky hands. Hence, you should try to relax and reduce stress and tension in your life, as much as you can.
To reduce stress, meditation is one of the best options that you should try. Meditation brings clarity to your mind and relaxes the nerves.
Deep breathing is another good technique to fight stress. Just 10 minutes of deep breathing through your diaphragm can greatly benefit your nervous system and induce relaxation.
2. Drink Chamomile Tea or Use Chamomile Oil
Chamomile is an herb that has soothing and calming properties. It can help calm the nervous system as well as eliminate stress and anxiety.
It is also an effective antispasmodic herb that helps relax muscle spasms, which can cause hand tremors.
Drink 2 to 3 cups of chamomile tea daily. To make the tea, steep a chamomile tea bag or 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers in a cup of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain and drink the tea while it is still warm.
You can also add a few drops of chamomile oil to your bathwater to relax your nerves.
Note: Those taking diabetic medications should take chamomile in moderation and under the guidance of a doctor.
3. Do Hand Exercises
hand exercise for shaky hands
Hand exercises can strengthen your hands and prevent or reduce the severity of shaky hands.
Put a stress ball in the palm of your hand.
Squeeze it as tightly as you can.
Keep this position for about 5 seconds, then slowly relax.
Repeat 10 times.
Do this exercise a few times each day.
Along with hand exercises, incorporate yoga in your life. Yoga is effective in reducing stress and helping you sleep better. Stress and poor sleep are two factors that can trigger shaky hands.
Spend between 10 and 15 minutes per day doing yoga to notice a difference in your health.
4. Drink Lavender Tea or Use Lavender Oil
Lavender is an effective natural remedy for managing shaky hands. This herb is very good for the nervous system, which plays a crucial role in treating this problem.
In addition, lavender helps people beat anxiety and stress that usually triggers this problem. Its soothing smell can enhance brain levels of gamma-amicability acid (GABA), a widely circulated neurotransmitter with proven stress-fighting effects.
The calming effect of lavender can uplift your mood, no matter how stressed or nervous you may be.
Lavender essential oil can be added to pillowcases or bathwater to relax tensed muscles.
You can also drink a few cups of lavender tea daily for added benefit. To prepare the tea, add 3 tablespoons of fresh lavender flowers or 1½ tablespoon of dried lavender to 2 cups of hot water and allow it to steep for about 5 minutes.
5. Consume Valerian Tea or Extract
Valerian has been used for years to relax muscles and ease tension, which is important for treating hand tremors.
Plus, its sedative effect helps relieve stress and promotes sleep, two important factors that can trigger this annoying problem.
Take ½ teaspoon of Valerian liquid extract daily to control shaky hands.
Another option is to drink Valerian tea a few times a week. Prepare the tea by steeping 1 teaspoon of dried Valerian root in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink the tea.
Note: This herb is not safe during pregnancy, while breastfeeding or if you take narcotic pain relievers or prescribed sleep medications.
6. Take a Balanced B-Complex
To treat hand tremors, it is essential to take a balanced B-complex.
There are different types of B vitamins that help maintain healthy nerves and strong muscles. For instance, vitamins B12, B1 and B6 are essential to maintain healthy nerves and protect them from damage.
Deficiency of these B vitamins may lead to loss of coordination and balance between different organs, which in turn may cause shaky hands. It can also cause muscle weakness.
To ensure your body is getting the correct dose of all these B vitamins, take a good quality balanced B-complex supplement. Always consult your doctor before starting a supplement regimen.
Also, eat B vitamin-rich foods like whole grains, egg yolks, peas, beans, leafy green vegetables, dairy products (organic milk and cheeses) and poultry. At the same time, stay away from processed foods as they very minimal or almost no nutritional value.
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